
Small, Successful Countries

Estonia - The First Free Public Transport Nation

“Before introducing free public transport, the city center was crammed with cars. This situation has improved — also because we raised parking fees. When non-Tallinners leave their cars in a park-and-ride and check in to public transport on the same day, they can’t only use public transport for free, but also won’t be charged the parking fee. We noticed that people didn’t complain about high parking fees once we offered them a good alternative.”

Two Dramatic Signs Of A Better Place

"These are just two signs, but they tell us something about a society. Like the canary in the mine, soaring stillbirth and homicide levels suggest that things are going very wrong. The murder of women, of children or of ethno-religious minorities is often characterised as such a sign, but low homicide rates generally are typical of those societies commonly lauded for their quality of life, such as the Scandinavian countries, Ireland and New Zealand. Similarly, these countries also have the lowest stillbirth levels."

Scotland In Top Half Of NBISM League

‘Conducted annually since 2008, the Anholt-GfK Roper NBISM examines the reputation of 50 countries. Since 2008, the Scottish Government (SG) has used the NBISM to measure Scotland’s reputation internationally. This report provides statistics on Scotland’s reputation along six dimensions of national competence: Exports, Governance, Culture, People, Tourism, and Investment and Immigration. These together provide an overall indication of a Scotland’s reputation.’