
Scottish Unemployment Below UK Level

From the often more balanced and reliable BBC Scotland website news than the Broadcast versions:

  • Scottish unemployment rate hits record low at 3.7%
  • At 3.7%, the jobless rate is below that of the UK, which sits at 4.1%.
  • ONS data revealed 75% of the working age population, those aged between 16 and 64, had some form of work.
  • Scotland’s employment rate was ‘below’ [statistically insignificant difference] that of the UK as a whole, which is at 75.7%.
  • Joblessness fell among both males and females, with the number of men out of work down by 8,000 over the period to 58,000, while the number of women without a job decreased 5,000 to 42,000.
  • On employment for women and young people, a rate of 71.3% for women, higher than the UK rate of 71.2%, and 58.8% for young people, higher than the UK rate of 55.9%.
  • Lower rates of unemployment for both women and young people.