
Crime and Policing

Scottish Road Deaths Fall By 15%

From Police Scotland on 28th May 2018: ‘The Q4 figures show that the number of deaths on the roads has fallen by 15.1% (from 172 to 146) after education and enforcement work, including safety campaigns highlighting poor driver behaviour. The number of children killed on roads is down 82% from 11 to 2. Since 1995, there has been a 50% fall in road deaths, while traffic levels have increased by 23% over the same period.’

Gun crime rockets across England and Wales and falls in Scotland

As knife and gun crime rockets across England and Wales and falls in Scotland, Scotland has far more police officers per head of population.  Scotland has one police officer for every 314.5 people while England and Wales have one for every 470.8 people. One policeman in England and Wales is therefore responsible for 156.3 or 49.7% more people than his/her Scottish equivalent. Violent crime is, of course, falling in Scotland.  Read more here from Thought Control Scotland.