
Health & the NHS

Scotland's Free Personal Care Policy Recognised

"A key benefit of free personal care is its potential to increase the number of people receiving care at home (where they would face no costs whatsoever) and decrease the number of people in care homes. Primarily this would be achieved because free personal care is a much simpler policy to understand. This should mean individuals are more willing to engage with it, without the fear of racking up vast costs. This should also mean that people are more likely to engage with the system at an earlier stage before their care needs develop to the point that they are so severe residential care is needed. This has been proven to be the case in Scotland where free personal care was introduced for older people in 2002."

93% of Scots Can See Their GP Within 2 Days!

"Over 130,000 individuals registered with a GP practice in Scotland responded to the 2017/18 Health and Care Experience Survey. The survey asked about people’s experiences of accessing and using their GP practice and other local healthcare services; receiving care, support and help with everyday living; and caring responsibilities. The main results from the 2017/18 survey are...."

NHS Scotland Reduces Hospital Stay After Hip Surgery And Lowers Risk Of Early Death

Main points:

  • 57% of patients were in theatre within 24 hours of hospital admission. Which is an increase from 55% in previous year.
  • The number of people being seen by a physiotherapist within two days of surgery continues to improve, from 91% in 2017 to 94% in 2018.
  • The length of time people spend in a hospital continues to fall. Decreasing from 22 days in 2012 to 17 days in 2018.

NHS Scotland's IVF Service Is 100%

In the Guardian yesterday: NHS bosses have apologised for justifying denying single women IVF treatment by saying they would be a burden to society and “unable to bring out the best outcomes for the child”: NHS South East London has said sorry for the “offence and distress” it caused, which prompted 175 single mothers to complain about its “misguided and offensive” language. Guidance explaining the policy was based on a document it had put together that stated: “Single mothers are generally poorer; they are likely to have greater support needs compared to two-parent couples, thereby placing a greater burden on society in general. Aristotle’s principle of equality says treat equals equally, so a couple compared to a couple is equal. A woman or man compared to a couple is not equal, and by attempting to think of them as such has no ground or support.” It added: “A sole woman is unable to bring out the best outcomes for the child.” https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/sep/09/nhs-bosses-apologise-calling-single-mothers-burden-society Once more there is a different approach in Scotland. An IVF service which has been 100% successful for 5 years in a row will have had immeasurable benefits reducing both the human and financial costs of infertility. More on this below.

SNP Funding Enables Meals For Children In School Holidays

"From news.gov.scot yesterday: A record number of children have benefitted from holiday activities and nutritious meals while schools are shut. National charity, Cash For Kids, expect to provide activities to more than 61,000 children, up from the 37,000 children supported last year. The Scottish Government has focused £2 million from the £3.5 million Fair Food Fund specifically on school holidays, with £692,000 awarded for 2019-20 to support families send their children to a holiday club scheme. The Scottish Government took forward the recommendations of the Poverty and Inequality Commission earlier this year and worked to improve the coordination of support for families during the school holidays."