
Mainstream Media Distortion

BBC Distortion - Again

Six times between 6 and 9am, today, BBC Scotland headlined: ‘The use of mesh implants in Scotland should be banned according to a parliamentary report.’ Then told us that: ‘The Scottish Government will give serious consideration to the findings.’ The implication is clear, that the Scottish Government has the power to ban these implants but has not done so despite the suffering they cause. However, from the 29th out of 31 statements in the BBC Scotland website version of the story we see, at last: ‘The spokesman also said the Scottish government did not have the power to ban the use of mesh, which was a matter for the Medicine and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), which is the regulator of medical devices across the UK and is the responsibility of Westminster.’

Decline Of Mainstream Meda

Scotland’s is almost uniquely inadequate, inept and unfit for purpose, and instead it reacted with such monumental, sour and sustained petulance to those unexpected occurences that the people of a country which once read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sunday_Post', more newspapers per head of population than anyone on the planet have turned their backs on it. Rarely can the demise of any entity have been more richly merited.