
Mainstream Media Distortion

BBC Scotland At It Again.

Scottish Labour MSP Jenny Marra claimed NHS Tayside had awarded its former chief executive a payout of over £300,000....... However the Health Board immediately rubbished the claim.  A tweet said: “There have been reports in today’s media claiming that former NHS Tayside Chief Executive Lesley McLay received a payment. This is untrue and we have issued this statement.”....... Despite the unequivocal statement from the Health Board, BBC Scotland continued to headline the allegation from the Labour MSP.

Does The BBC Have The Right To Close Down Discussion Of The News?

I want to think the BBC is unbiased. The evidence here is of total bias. And it is wholly unjustified. If the BBC cannot stand discussion of their output they should not be asking us to pay for it. We need press freedom. That includes the right to make informed comment on news broadcasting. The BBC should have no right to stop that and no interest in doing so. But it has, and it clearly intends to do so.

Worry, a lot.

Davidson Again Won't Be Interviewed

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson has refused to face questions over the so-called Dark Money scandal for the second time this month. Yesterday on Good Morning Scotland, presenter Gary Robertson revealed the MSP had again refused to be interviewed, despite mounting questions over donations made to her party by the secretive Scottish Unionist Association Trust. Robertson said: “We did ask again to speak to the Conservative leader [sic] Ruth Davidson, but once again she was unavailable this morning.”

Misleading Scotsman Headline About Homeless Children

In the Scotsman today (30 July 2018) we read ‘Damning report reveals 38 children made homeless in Scotland each day’. Headlines matter. For accuracy, it should have been ’38 children in temporary accommodation in Scotland each day.’ So, the Scotsman headline might leave you with the unpleasant image of 38 bairns on the street with nowhere to go. (T)the lack of context, in the article as a whole, can leave the reader thinking things are worse than they are. Homelessness is a smaller problem in Scotland than in the non-Scottish parts of the UK. See these for more detail: As the number of the employed yet homeless soars in Southern England it is falling and much lower in Scotland.  SNP Government to fund frontline efforts to help hardcore of street homeless while Ruth Davidson goes from baking show to celebrity list membership games and our media rats sniff the sewer air for SNP-bad aroma