
Mainstream Media Distortion

The BBC Has Had A Rather Bad August

"North of the Border, BBC Scotland has struggled to accept that independence isn’t a “phase,” a single issue where balance matters only during an active referendum campaign. It’s the new most important faultline in Scottish politics and it is “led” not just by party politicians but by bloggers and locally organised groups all over Scotland. That’s why the BBC’s failure to report on local pro indy marches across Scotland, organised by All Under One Banner rather (than) the SNP has not just infuriated Yes voters – it’s been inevitable given Aunty’s rigid understanding of “balance” and who gets to make news."

BBC Scotland At It Again.

This places BBC Scotland in breach of the BBC’s guidelines on accuracy.  It simply didn’t apply any scrutiny to Jenny Marra’s ‘understanding’.  Even when unambiguosly told the £300,000 figure was false, the corporation continued its same narrative.  By the time the 18:30 edition of Reporting Scotland aired, Jenny Marra’s unsourced and uncorroborated ‘understanding’ was being given more weight than an official statement from the Health Board itself.

Historians! What Are They Like?

The Times article is useful in that it offers us yet another window into the minds of the English ruling class, that even a supposedly forensic historian is unable to get to the heart of what drives the quest for Scottish independence and instead takes a purely sentimental view. He is clearly unable to engage with the real argument for independence, that of self-determination and is therefore blind to the economic possibilities, particularly in his beloved Highlands. Why is it for instance, that the more extensive wild land in Norway can be economically viable, able not only to retain but to increase its population, while Scotland apparently must depend on and be grateful for the largesse of mostly foreign estate owners?

A Slap In The Face For BBC Licence Payers?

Yesterday’s BBC Scotland headline story repeated throughout the day was one version or another of: ‘Former NHS Tayside chief executive ‘received £300,000’ pay-off. NHS Tayside’s former chief executive received a final financial package of more than £300,000, an MSP has claimed. Labour MSP Jenny Marra said the “golden handshake” was a “slap in the face” for the people of Tayside...... In the wake of the exposure of the BBC attempting to close down pro-independence Youtube sites on copyright ‘contraventions’ while ignoring the same by other sites, the above story is no surprise to most of us and follows numerous ‘fake news’ and no-news stories.